Mauao - caught by the dawn
Pāpaki tū ana ngā tai ki Mauao
I whakanukunukuhia, I whakanekenekehia, I whiua reretia e Hotu a Wahinerua ki te wai, ki tai wīwī, ki tai wāwā, Ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama, Tīhei mauriora. |
The waves beat continuously
against the rocky cliffs of Mauao, They tried to shift the canoe forward and aft. Wahinerua was thrown overboard there by Hotu, Into the swirling waters, the roaring ocean And emerge into the world of light I breathe, ’tis life! |
A Mauao Poem by Debbie McCauley
Pūwhenua, Pūwhenua Oh, Pūwhenua, Pūwhenua festooned by Tāne Mahuta, why did you give your heart to the powerful Ōtānewainuku? Oh, Pūwhenua, Pūwhenua why could you not love the slave who watched you with abject fascination? Our Mauao gazed blissfully upon you with such adoration. You were the object of his infinite love and affection. He worshiped you, and, crushed, planned to drown his sorrow away, all the time weeping for what might have been. We give him our love now trying to ease his heartsickness. Even Tangaroa endeavours comfort, rocking him within indigo arms. |
![]() Legend of Mauao by Debbie McCauley
Purchase Legend of Mauao here The history of Mauao, along with the legend, is one of heartbreak and struggle, but also one of endurance, strength and unity. Mauao stands guard at the entrance to Te Awanui, the Tauranga Harbour. At over two million years old, he is a tipuna and sacred taonga, manifesting both the past and the present, as well as giving us hope for the future. |